The Clones From Brazil
Copyright © 1981 by Ron Bauer
"...C'mon, you rotten little... Say
'Heil!'... C'mon... Heil!..."
But, no matter how much he
squeezes it and teases it, the tiny
puppet-like orange sponge ball, its
angry plastic eyes glaring over a
wedge of black sponge mustache,
says nothing...
"You probably don't know what
this... No, it's not a sponge ball with
a face. It's a CLONE!... I made it! I
bought the formula from a wildlooking
old BRAZILIAN guy...
That is, he SAID he was from Brazil... but he spoke with a GERMAN
"Now that I think about it, if his
hair and mustache would have been
BLACK instead of GRAY... This
CLONE could be HIM!... Of
course, HE didn't have ORANGE
SKIN... and he was TALLER!
"Anyway, I made up some of the
formula... CLONE JUICE ... Now
I can make a CLONE whenever I
please... I'll show you."
The magician produces an EYE
squirts it into his hand... another CLONE appears.
"Thought I was KIDDING,
didn't you?... These little devils are
FUN, too. Watch this... It's called
hold one in this hand, one in this, and... No. That won't work... I'm one
hand short for showing you what I
mean... May I use one of yours?"
A spectator offers a helping hand,
which is immediately filled with one
CLONE, the other being held by the
Using his free hand, he again
brings the EYE DROPPER into play... VISIBLY sucking one CLONE
from his hand and squirting it into the
"...It's a simple case of knowing
the rearrangement of GENES, and
know what any of those words
MEAN, but the old guy with the
GERMAN ACCENT told me to
experiment until I get the right design... For example, hold them again and
I'll demonstrate how RECOMBINING
The spectator holds the CLONES
tightly, but instead of smaller, they
feel as though they're getting
"Oh, Oh! I think I know what's
wrong. This idea is so new, there must
be A FEW BUGS IN IT! Open your
hands and let's see..."
There are BUGS IN IT, all right.
About a dozen red and black sponge
LADY BUGS have joined the two
CLONES held by the spectator.
"Oh, well. I'm not discouraged...
After all, scientists have only known
about combining GENES for a relatively
few years. And, they're always
DESIGNING better ones.
there's one thing that bothers me...
Instead of calling these things
CLONES, I wonder why they don't
call them DESIGNER GENES?!"
Click to Enlarge
And, that's THE CLONES
FROM BRAZIL which I wrote for
Patrick Martin in 1981. Although
I've made certain changes in Patrick's
original CLONES presentation, the
trick is still unmistakably... his
concept. And what a GREAT concept.
It has all the surprise and participation
features of its predecessors,
DROPPER idea tied into the
CLONE premise is a major leapforward
for this classic effect from a
theatrical standpoint. It provides the
needed logical connection for staging
and building a complete PLOT.
Hence this version. THE
can see from the illustrations, resemble
a particularly notorious character
from recent history. Rumors
arise from time to time that he, along
with certain cohorts, is still alive and
well in South America.
As a matter of
fact, a movie called The Boys from
Brazil was made on a related theme.
Could this film be the basis of my
original thinking?... YEP!
Put the BUGS and
the EYE DROPPER in the right
jacket pocket. One CLONE goes in
the left jacket pocket. Keep the other
- Show the BAGGIE. Take out
the CLONE. Put him on the table,
squeeze and poke at him a few times.
- Put the BAGGIE into the left
jacket pocket, at the same time secretly
palm the other CLONE.
- With your right hand, bring out
the EYE DROPPER and show the
- Squirt the ORANGE FLUID
into the left hand which opens to
show a CLONE. (The details for this
move are in the original CLONE
- Put the empty EYE DROPPER
into the right coat pocket.
Pick up one CLONE with the right
hand and put it into the left, which is
held palm down as in the illustrations
labelled THE RB SPONGE
PASS. Don't do the pass yet. The
action of the PLOT is structured to
prepare the audience for the later
Pick up the other CLONE with the right hand and close your
fingers around it. You now have both
hands closed, palms down, each
holding a CLONE.
About 1959, for the Don Alan version
of the Benson Bowl, I worked
out this technique to solve a certain
problem. During one part of the trick,
a sponge pass of some sort was required
without cover of the wand.
Since the conditions I was most frequently
under were surrounded, I especially
needed cover from those
watching over my left shoulder. So, I
developed this UPSIDE DOWN
version of the standard sponge move.
I never thought much about it over
the years until this CLONES trick
came out. Once again I needed cover
on all sides. Look at FIGURE 1 and
2. They show the correct way to hold
the CLONE, both for purposes of
showing the "face" to the audience
and making the PASS possible. Actually,
FIGURE 2 shows what you do
as your left hand moves slightly to the
right in FIGURE 3. Sandy Kort's
illustrations show it better than I can
tell it. Just remember that the audience
is prepared for this handling in
Step 6. Match the PASS to this
- Put both CLONES back onto
the table. Ask a spectator to hold out
a hand palm upward. (Always have
the spectator put out a hand before
you proceed in tricks like this.) Pick
up one CLONE with the right hand
and apparently place it into your
palm-down left hand as in Figure 3 of
the RB Sponge Pass.
This time, however,
as the left fingers close and
mask the right fingers, the right
fingers straighten. This action brings
the CLONE back near the fingerpalm.
See Figures 1 and 2. Simultaneously
turn the right palm downward... close the left hand as though
holding the CLONE... as you reach
for and take the CLONE on the table
with the right hand. This action automatically
compresses both together.
Then take these, as one, and place
them into the spectator's hand, directing
him to close it and turn it over
like yours. All this action must blend.
- Remove the empty EYE DROPPER
with the right hand and show it
Then apparently suck the CLONE
out of your left hand and squirt it into
the spectator's hand. (Once again I
refer you to the CLONES instructions.)
- Put the EYE DROPPER back
into the right coat pocket and secretly
steal the BUGS.
- Open your left hand to show
that the CLONE is gone. Ask the
spectator to open his hand to show
that both CLONES are now together.
- Help the spectator hold the two
CLONES in both hands, secretly
adding the BUGS.
- Tell the spectator to open his
hand to reveal two CLONES and the
dozen or so LADY BUGS.
- Put all of the CLONES and
BUGS into the BAGGIE.
- Thank Patrick Martin.
Copyright © 1981 by Ron Bauer